Playstation Deal Browser by RedDogFun

After many months of work, I’m finally proud to open my Playstation Deal Browser. This is a custom web page / data base dedicated to quickly sort and browse the current deals on the Playstation store. This page collects all of the Playstation store deals once a week and serves them up to you in a fashion that’s MUCH quicker to browse than the Playstation Store web site.

Sort Results by Title, Discount or Sale Price
Change sorted results by Ascending or Descending order
Page buttons let you skip ahead or back by 1 page, 10 pages or skip to first/last page.
Search titles for you’re looking for.
Filter by Type. Full Games, Game Bundles, add-ons and more.
Each game tile displays a game image, platform type, item type, sale price, discount amount and buttons linking to game play videos and images.
Hovering over the image will display the full title of the item on sale. Clicking on the game image will take you directly to the Playstation store where you can add the item directly to your cart if you are signed into the store.

The mobile version has all of the bells and whistles as the desktop version. Filter by item type. Sort by Discount, Title and Sale Price. Search titles for specific phases. Select Ascending or Descending search results. Quick link buttons to game play videos and images.

Playstation Deal Browser

Check it out for Free!