Mount and Blade: Warband tagged posts

Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun

Mount and Blade: Warband

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun

Mount and Blade: Warband

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

-Hands off my Lady!

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun
Mount and Blade: Warband


Rufus was a valiant knight, known throughout the land for his prowess in battle and his unwavering dedication to the realm. Lady Valka, the fairest maiden in all the land, had caught his eye, and he swore to protect her with his life if need be.

However, there was one obstacle standing in Rufus’s way: Lort Gearth, a notorious villain with a heart as black as coal. Lort had his sights set on Lady Valka as well, and he would stop at nothing to claim her as his own.

Rufus knew that the only way to protect Lady Valka was to defeat Lort Gearth in a duel. The two knights met on a field of battle, their swords flashing in the sunlight. Lort sneered at Rufus, confident in his own strength and skill.

The b...

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade Warband

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun

Mount and Blade Warband

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade Warband

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun

Mount and Blade Warband

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

The odds were against us!

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a bulldog named Sir Rufus. He was a brave knight who always stood up for what was right and just. Sir Rufus was also known for his exceptional skills in combat and his unbreakable will.

One day, a massive army of invaders marched towards the kingdom, ready to conquer and destroy everything in their path. The king of the land called upon Sir Rufus to lead the charge against the invaders, knowing that he was the only one who could save them from certain doom.

Without a second thought, Sir Rufus donned his armor and took up his sword and shield. He led his fellow knights and soldiers into battle against the massive army that outnumbered them by ten to one...

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

War Rages On.

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun
Mount and Blade: Warband


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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

– The courtship of Lady Valka.

Red Dog the Mutt was a knight like no other. Born to a family of farmers, he had no noble blood, no lands, and no pedigree to speak of. But what he lacked in status, he made up for in courage, determination, and a fierce loyalty to his king.

It was during a jousting tournament that Red Dog first laid eyes on Lady Valka, the fairest maiden in all the land. She was a vision of beauty, with long golden hair that cascaded down her back, and bright blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

Red Dog was immediately smitten, but he knew that he was not worthy of her. He was a mere knight, and she was the daughter of a powerful lord. But despite the odds against him, Red Dog was determined to win her heart.

He started by performing acts of chivalry and bravery...

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

– My army has become unstoppable and expensive!

Red Dog was a scrappy mutt who had been wandering the countryside for as long as he could remember. He had no family, no home, and no one to call his own. But Red Dog was fierce and determined, and he had a strong sense of justice.

One day, Red Dog stumbled upon a group of knights who were in need of help. They were engaged in a fierce battle with a group of bandits, and they were outnumbered. Red Dog didn’t hesitate to join the fight. He may have been just a mutt, but he had a fierce determination and a strong will to win.

With Red Dog’s help, the knights were able to defeat the bandits. They were impressed by Red Dog’s courage and fighting skills, and they invited him to join their army...

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Check out my latest Live Stream: Mount and Blade: Warband

My YouTube Channel: Red Dog Fun

Mount and Blade: Warband


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